Buffalo NY Fishing Report – Observations from 03/27/2023 – 04/02/2023
Here’s our latest Buffalo NY fishing report: This past week was another rough one folks. There were a few days where the winds exceeded 60mph. Sprinkle in more than an inch of rain and a little sleet and snow. I spent a few days out there – it was tough. The future is looking bright though…good times are ahead.
Days on the Water: 3
Who we fished with: friends/clients
Where we fished: Lower Niagara, Lake Ontario
What we caught: lake trout, steelhead, brown
Tactics: 3-way rig with live bait, trolling spoons
Episode 47 of Two Angles on Angling is live: I spent a few days on the water this past week – Jordan joined me in one of those outings so we discuss that. I also provide the angling forecast for the upcoming week. We get deep about getting engaged in your community. How screen time separates us from the environment. A.I. is getting a lot of attention lately – how will that change our pattern of life? Screens are separating us from our neighbors and the communities we inhabit – how can we change that?…and more.
Daily Conditions Analysis

Monday – Didn’t fish. Big winds started a few days prior and remained big despite the forecast. The water clarity was poor.
Tuesday – Poked around Lake Erie – water clarity was trashed. Fished a couple spots in the upper Niagara – nothing happened – less than a foot of visibility throughout. Moved to the Lower Niagara – fished through the mud and caught a laker. Rough session.
Wednesday – Fished Lake Ontario out Lewiston, NY. The water was muddy more than 2 miles out – well over 150′ of water. Big west winds kicked up a couple hours earlier than forecasted. Moved closer to shore. Fished the muddy water (1′ of vis) on the bar. Lots of marks but no eats. Moved into Devil’s Hole – big wind had the current raging. Did 5 drifts, caught a laker. Decided to call it early. Tough day.
Thursday – Didn’t fish. A little rain. Trashed water clarity from Erie to the bar. The wind was down though. If you looked hard enough, clear water could be found on Lake Ontario.
Friday – Water clarity was marginal – much improved from the day prior. Steady rain but temperatures were in the low 50s and the wind was down. Decided to troll Lake O for browns. Picked up a couple – learned some hard lessons. Good training.
Saturday – Trashed water clarity from Erie to the bar. Huge SW wind, close to an inch of rain, and thunderstorms – didn’t fish. Wind shifted to the N at the end of the day.
Sunday – HUGE SW and rain continued overnight. Water remained chocolate milk from Lake Erie to the bar. NW winds in the teens during the front half of the day. Water remained mud – mainly from flooding. Lake O was fishable late in the day after the winds dies off.
Seasonal Assessment/General Observations
On the Conditions
It was another week of poor forecasts. Not a single day was anywhere close to optimal. I fished to stay in shape – I’m writing this report for the same reason. I’ll admit, my optimism took a dip a couple times this past week, but I’m back on plane.
As I’ve said numerous times in my recent reports – we just need some clarity. The water is still cold (38 degrees from Lake Erie to the bar) – all we need is a stretch of stability and warmth and things are going to light up. Thankfully, I think that’s about to happen.
A Little Personal Reflection
I have a lot to get deep about, but nothing is ready for publishing just yet. I’ll say this though – my priority for the next large chunk of time (outside of the charter service, that is) will be community engagement. Our fishery is incredible and can be so much more with a little help from the angling community. More to come on that.
If you want to hear some of my thoughts about that issue and many more, check out the podcast. There’s something for most in it – especially during the winter months when we spend a lot of time getting deep about off the water topics – mainly health, living simply, ways to get organized, mindfulness, and a lot more.
Buffalo NY Fishing Report – Forecast for 04/03/2023 – 04/09/2023

This upcoming week looks promising. As has been the norm lately, water clarity will be the near-term problem. However, I think Lake Ontario will be a great option most days. We just need that mud line to get closer to the bank. After a day of N winds (today), that’s starting to shape up.
The week won’t be without drama – Wednesday looks particularly hostile with thunderstorms and wind for the back half of the day – I’m hoping that changes. Other than that, wind will be mostly manageable and temperatures will be much warmer that what we’ve been experiencing lately. Lows will be in the upper 30s with highs often getting above 60 – that’s a recipe for an increase in water temperature my friends. Good things are coming.
I won’t stop saying it – I’m optimistic! We’ve taken some lumps around here lately, but the best is yet to come. My apologies to all those folks who’ve had their trip cancelled due to crappy conditions. Thank you to all my clients who’ve been flexible enough to reschedule.
Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,
Tap any image below to swipe through the gallery (sorry – not much to show from this past week. We baited fish on every outing. This shot was the only one worth posting)