Days on the Water: 6 (took Sunday off to celebrate our wedding anniversary – 16 years)
Who we fished with: friends/clients
Where we fished: Lower Niagara, Lake Ontario, Upper Niagara, Lake Erie
What we caught: king salmon, coho salmon, lake trout, smallmouth bass
Tactics: neds, jigs, flies, jerk baits, crank baits, blade baits; trolling spoons
Commentary for the Week of 05/09/2022 – 05/15/2022
My apologies for not putting out a fishing report last week – been super busy and on the water every day. Fishing has been incredible lately. I’m going to dispense with the daily breakdown for this past week and the week prior, but all the photos are included on the bottom of this post.
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Daily Conditions Analysis

Seasonal Assessment/General Observations
What else can I say, we’re in the middle of prime-time spring angling. The weather has been perfect nearly every day so we’ve been on the water for close to 3 weeks without a break. I’m a little crispy but feeling great – it’s what I train for all winter long.
Smallmouth bass had me a little concerned a couple weeks ago – not any more. The Upper and Lower Niagara are LOADED with fish. I’ve been wondering where they AREN’T at this point. Lake Erie has been fishing extremely well too. We’ve been fishing for these freshwater grouper (lol) with every bait in our box and all of it has been working. The water temperature is perfect for them and they’re feeding like crazy to fatten up for the spawn. Find the borders between sand/gravel and rocks and you’ll find them. The water is warming up FAST with all these 70+ degree days – it won’t be long before they get into spawn mode. Take advantage of it while you can.
King salmon/lake trout/coho action has been awesome as well. Hang in the warm water plume created by the Niagara River and you’ll find them. We’ve been catching them as shallow as 15 feet and as deep as 100+. In other words, cover ground and you’ll catch fish. The only problem lately is that everyone knows all of this and it’s CROWDED out on Lake Ontario. Plus, the chironomids are getting ridiculous with all the heat and windless days. Whatever, that’s spring king fishing – you’ve gotta endure some BS nowadays if you want to make it happen out there.
Looking Forward to the Week of 05/16/2022 – 05/22/2022

Fishing Conditions Looking Forward
This upcoming week is looking great. Monday looks a little dicey with some wind and a lot of rain. Tuesday, more wind but clearing. Beyond that – lots of sunny and near windless days. As per usual lately, we’ll be spending our time on Lake Erie, the Niagara, and Lake Ontario.
I’m betting we’ll start seeing some bed building activity from the smallmouth bass really soon. Fingers crossed that won’t happen in the next week but the water temperature in Lake Erie and the Niagara is creeping into the 50s so it’s eminent. Kings will start moving away from the Niagara River plume if it gets too much warmer – making them harder to find. Bottom line, enjoy the spring action while you can. It won’t last too much longer.
Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,
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