
Buffalo NY Fishing Report – 06/23/2024

by | Jun 23, 2024

Buffalo NY Fishing Report – Observations from 06/17/2024 – 06/23/2024

Here’s our latest Buffalo NY fishing report:  I’m keeping this week’s fishing report brief – I only fished our local water 2 days. However, I executed a short mission as part of my 50 before 50 campaign with my bro Brian. New Jersey is officially CHALKED! See below for my trip report. The days of relaxing/recovering from spring insanity are over folks. Summer is officially here, and the schedule is packed. Stay tuned for tons of content and detailed reporting in the upcoming weeks.  Keep reading for more details.

Days on the water: 4 (2 local)

Who we fished with: friends/clients

Where we fishedLake Erie

What we caught:  smallmouth bass, walleye, freshwater drum

Tactics:  trolling worm harnesses, drifting bait

Episode 88 of Two Angles on Angling:  Both Jordan and I spent some time on our local water this past week, so as per usual, we talk about what we saw when we were out there.  Topics include lots of floating/dead smallmouth bass, a strong walleye bite further west, record high water temperatures, and more.  Following that discussion, we provide the angling forecast for this upcoming week.  We get deep about my trip to New Jersey.   https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/two-angles-on-angling

Detailed Reporting/Daily Observations

Weather Breakdown

06/17/2024 – Executed a recon mission with the whisperer.  The target was Lake Erie walleyes.  We ventured into new waters and managed to get a 2 man limit fairly quickly.  I’m pleased with our success, but that was a sample size of “1.”  I’m going to have to pull that off a couple more times just to make sure it’s worthwhile.  No pictures taken.    



06/18/2024 – Fished Lake Erie for bass with Gail and Bill from Hershey, PA. We spent part of the morning dodging thunderstorms and rain, but once the cells passed us, we got on fish and had a blast. Once again, and this almost always happens, the woman out fished the man.



06/19/2024 – Travelled to NJ.  Follow this link for the trip report: New Jersey – Getting Bent in the Garden State – Brookdog Fishing



06/20/2024 – Fished for flounder of Absecon, NJ.  Follow this link for the trip report: New Jersey – Getting Bent in the Garden State – Brookdog Fishing



06/21/2024 – Fished for flounder of Absecon, NJ.  Follow this link for the trip report: New Jersey – Getting Bent in the Garden State – Brookdog Fishing



06/22/2024 – Returned home from NJ trip. Follow this link for the trip report: New Jersey – Getting Bent in the Garden State – Brookdog Fishing



06/23/2024 – Was scheduled to fish Lake Erie with a dad and 2 young sons.  With a small craft advisory in effect and the looming threat of thunderstorms, we decided it wouldn’t be a good time to bring the young ones on the water.  Rescheduled the trip. 



Seasonal Assessment/General Observations

On the Conditions

I know, I know – some of you are wondering how many more sparse reports I’m going to release.  I apologize for the lack of detailed reporting lately.  I mean, I could always NOT put something out when there isn’t much to say.  However, that would be like not going to the gym/keeping myself in shape.  Most of the folks reading these reports know that I write these for me as well as YOU.  They are a historical record and a way to “get in” a mental workout.  This will be the last “minimalist” report for a while.  My little break is over starting tomorrow.

The Niagara River

Same commentary as last week – I didn’t spend any time on the river this past week. Since I live close by, I checked it regularly to see if the algae abated. It’s still thick out there, but if you’ve got the skills and can fish a ned or something similar, algae will only be a small problem. Drifting bait (or anything for that matter) will only give you about 20 seconds or so before the algae covers your line.

Lake Erie

It’s Hot

Lake Erie is warmer than it’s ever been since we started recording lake temperatures in the 1920s.  As of this writing, the Niagara River is flowing at 72 degrees.  I’m sure the surface temperature of Lake Erie is far warmer than that.  Quick aside – There is a thermocline set up out there (What is a thermocline? (noaa.gov)) – one that’s likely getting flipped a little bit as I type this due to the big winds/waves.    I always mention the temperature of the Niagara because it’s a reflection of what happens when the current mixes that hot surface water with the cold water on the bottom.  In other words, it provides a metric for something close to an average lake temperature for our side of the lake.  I use this metric to compare to years past when trying to determine how water temps impact the overall pattern of live.

This hot surface and cold bottom temperature phenomenon is important to be aware of – and it’s easy to recognize.  Fish through an area for a little bit and then reel up.  Feel your bait, weight, or lure – it’ll be cold.  The fish are doing their best to stay in that cooler stuff – just like us.

So, Lake Erie is hot right now…but it’s been 71 and 70 degrees at this point a few times over the years.  In other words, it’s not cause for alarm, but there is something we should be aware of – fish mortality caused by shock.  Unless you’re fishing in current/the river, all the fish you’re catching right now are living in water that’s close to 15 degrees colder than the surface (see here: NOAA/GLERL GLCFS).

Mortality is a Factor Right Now

Putting aside the shock to the air bladder when you catch a fish in water deeper than 40’, the shock to their system when you pull them from cold to warm is more traumatic.  It kills fish.  If you’re targeting walleyes – no big deal – you’re harvesting them so they’re going to die anyway.  However, if you’re targeting bass in that deep stuff, you’re going to kill fish.

Not every fish will die, but many will.  I’ve seen an uncomfortably high number of dead smallmouth floating around our basin.  According to some of my friends that live near Hamburg and Woodlawn beach, smallmouth bass carcasses are littering the shoreline.  I don’t know what’s going on – but angling pressure is surely a contributing factor.

Bottom line, please keep this information in mind if you’re targeting smallmouth bass right now.  I, for one, don’t have a ton of smallmouth bass trips on the docket in the near term.  However, I have a few.  On those days, I’ll stay in water hovering around 30’ or less.  Preferably in current.  I strongly recommend you do the same.  By late July, this won’t be much of a factor anymore – until then, protect the resource, my friends.

Buffalo NY Fishing Report – Forecast for 06/24/2024 – 06/30/2024

Weather Breakdown

    Forecast Commentary

    The forecast for this upcoming week looks less hot and more chaotic than the last few weeks. Wind will play a factor on a couple of days as will thunderstorms and rain. However, every day will be fishable if you have the right boat and the right constitution to fish through the elements. The fact that we won’t be frying out there is encouraging by itself.

    I’m booked every day this upcoming week. The plan is to target walleyes as often as possible. However, I have a couple of bass trips on the docket, so I’ll be staying in the shallow areas and current for those sessions.

    Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,
