Days on the Water: 6
Who we fished with: friends/clients
Where we fished: Lake Erie, Upper Niagara, Lower Niagara
What we caught: smallmouth bass
Tactics: neds, swimbaits, stick baits, live bait
Commentary for the Week of 10/10/2022 – 10/16/2022
Here’s our latest Buffalo NY fishing report: Mother Nature sure didn’t make it easy this past week, but we managed to dodge her wrath on most days and had a blast. As an added bonus, the fall foliage is REALLY starting to pop around here, providing a captivating backdrop for our time on the water. Keep reading for more details.
Episode 29 is live: Jordan and I provide a fishing report from this past week – if you’re a local angler or a Great Lakes angler in general, pay attention to how I was able to spend so much time on the water this past week despite the challenges Mother Nature put in front of us. We also discuss angling opportunities for the upcoming week. The deeper discussion gets into best marketing practices for small business owners in the fishing space.
Daily Conditions Analysis

Monday – Fished an Upper/Lower combo – Lake Erie was a little too big for the group. The river was slow in most places, but when we found fish, we caught great numbers and size.
Tuesday – Half day trip. Once again, Lake Erie was a little too big for the group. Stayed in the Upper Niagara – same notes as Monday.
Wednesday – Lake Erie was big, but I had adventurous clients, so we gave it a shot. We caught fish immediately – good numbers and size – then it got a little too big to drift effectively. Poked around the upper and picked up a few fish – same notes as Monday and Tuesday. Went back to the lake when the wind calmed down a bit – got back into fish fairly quickly.
Thursday – day off – huge wind plus rain. Rescheduled clients.
Friday – fished the Lower Niagara for bass. The bite was excellent but only in a couple zones. Good numbers and size.
Saturday – fished the Lower Niagara for bass. Wind kicked up a few hours earlier than forecasted. Caught fish in good numbers despite raging winds. Called it early when things got nasty.
Sunday –
Seasonal Assessment/General Observations
Although Mother Nature kept us on our toes this past week, we put together some great days on the water. Thank you to all my clients from this past week for your flexibility – it paid off! The fact that we were able to make 6 days on the water happen with all that wind and rain is also a testament to the quality of our fishery – there is almost always an option to get on the water and bend a rod. Here’s a by-species breakdown of what I saw this past week:
Smallmouth Bass
I wish I could provide some sort of commentary about the pattern but honestly, it was difficult to effectively present baits throughout the week. Wind posed challenges every day – either by blowing us off drifts, creating huge waves, making the current rage, or all of the above. When all of those points of friction come together, the only thing to do is find those productive drifts that provide a little reprieve from the elements and soak the hell out of them. Folks that know me know that it’s tough for me to do this, but I’m capable of it with the right people.
I’m not a fan of spending a lot of time in one zone for a couple reasons. First – the scenery never changes, and things start to get predictable. That’s not a huge problem considering there is some gorgeous scenery around here this time of year, but still – I’ve gotta cover water. However, if I am confined to only a few places, it’s far more tolerable with folks that can hold a conversation. This past week, I was lucky as all the groups that fished with me were a lot of fun to spend time with.
The other reason I don’t like soaking a zone is that the fish get beat up and eventually turn off. This past week, I noticed some ripped up lips in the frequently fished zones throughout the system. I also noticed that catch rates slow down SIGNIFICANTLY with each passing day if anglers keep fishing the same zones. Add a tournament into the mix and it only gets worse.
Even though the elements confined us to certain areas, I’m optimistic that the system is setting up well for the upcoming weeks. I’m somewhat happy that Lake Erie has been off limits lately so those fish can get lulled into a false sense of security lol. Until Mother Nature deals me a hand that’ll allow me to go out there, I’ve gotta get creative.
King Salmon
This will be brief – I didn’t spend any time targeting them this past week but talking to some of my colleagues, the bite has been surprisingly good. As per usual, deep diving crank baits have been outperforming skein in the stained water but both baits are worth presenting through the day. I’m encouraged by this news – gonna have to spend some time targeting them this upcoming week.
Looking Forward to the Week of 10/17/2022 – 10/23/2022

Fishing Forecast for Next Week
The conditions analysis/matrix above is optimistic considering the forecast. The front part of the week will be COLD (highs in the low 40s kinda cold), windy, and wet – I’ve already rescheduled my trip for Monday. Beyond that, wind will remain, but the skies are supposed to clear out and the temps may hit the upper 60s by the weekend. Like this past week – there will be a lot of last-minute calls.
If this forecast holds, soaking zones that are out of the elements will be the most reliable/productive way to get on the water this upcoming week. As I mentioned in the Seasonal Assessment section above, I’m not a fan of doing this. Instead, I’m going to gamble/experiment with a few programs that I’m confident/hopeful will result in an exciting option when conditions get prohibitive on the big water. I’ve got the right clients on the docket to make it work. Stay tuned!
If you want to experience this first-hand instead of reading about it, give me a call. Availability is limited but I’m sure I can find you a spot if you call soon.
Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,
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