Find a Fishing Spot


Like we mentioned on our bios – we’re always on the hunt for new adventure locations.  Whenever possible, we travel around this continent in search of new water, native species, and fellow anglers that share our fishing passion. All those pins in the map above are the general locations of where we’ve wet a line over the years as well as links to the shops and guides we hooked up with along the way.  We’ve met so many people over the years that share our passion for fishing that we had to map it all out to keep track.

Some of our best adventures couldn’t have happened without the assistance of a local shop or guide.  All of these trips took careful planning over the months leading up to departure.  From flights, to lodging, to guide selection, to equipment/flies, to specific bodies of water – all of it required painstaking research.  Like combat, even the best plan doesn’t survive first contact so our time on the ground at all of these locations afforded us the opportunity to learn from our mistakes so you don’t have to.

Planning fishing trips to far away places is one of our specialties.  In fact, Ryan was a logistician of 16 years in the USMC that specialized in conducting long range planning for some of the most complex combat operations.  Take advantage of our expertise and give us a call if you’re interested in a hosted fishing trip or charter to one of these areas OR if you want to go somewhere new.

Ready to Fish?



(716) 704-5144

Brookdog Fishing Company

53 Elmwood Park W, Tonawanda, NY 14150