Observations from the Water – 06/06/2021

by | Jun 5, 2021

Days on the Water: 2
Who we fished with: friends, clients
Where we fished: Upper Niagara, Lake Erie
What we caught: smallmouth bass, walleye
Tactics: worm harnesses, ned rigs, bait


Observations from the Water – this Past Week (31-May – 6-June)

Another short one this week. I spent only a couple days on the water – fished with some great folks but the fishing was a little picky. Still, it was better than sitting inside.

After taking Memorial Day weekend off, I was surprised to see that Lake Erie/the Upper Niagara river had dropped in temperature – significantly. All that east wind and rain must’ve caused the lake to flip, mixing up the water column and bringing some of that colder water to the surface. This should bode well for the bass fishing in the long term – maybe even the migratory schools of walleyes.

Smallmouth bass: Since the smalljaws continue to be in spawn mode, we haven’t been targeting them much. A few drifts here and there to see what’s been going on but not much more. There are still NUMEROUS beds around, all of them full of eggs and guarded by fish. On a positive note, the moss in the Niagara River is minimal – definitely fishable. On the other hand, the caddis/sand flies are insane – definitely a huge distraction if you’re fishing the river.

Walleyes: It seems like walleyes have been hit or miss for everyone – definitely NOT on fire by any means. Maybe the turnover in the water column over Memorial Day weekend had an effect but marks have been few and far between the past couple outings. Fish are getting caught – but boxing out is taking some work.

If you’ve been reading my weekly reports for awhile or if you’re a new subscriber, you’re likely wondering why activity/reporting is a little thin lately. I’ve been brief because the first few weeks of June are a rest and refit period for me. After fishing near daily from the beginning of March up to just prior to Memorial Day Weekend, it’s important for me to take a little time off to vacation and spend time with the family. Plus – the little break makes me hungry for action and reinvigorates my passion for this game. I’ll be back in full force soon enough.

Looking Forward (7-13 June)

I have a little angling adventure on the docket coming up soon.  Stay tuned – I’m revisiting an area Mother Nature denied me last year due to high winds.  The forecast is looking good for this upcoming trip – fingers crossed it holds.

Once we return, we’ll be on the water daily.  The long term forecast looks promising – low winds, mild temperatures, and only trace amounts of precipitation.  Smallmouth bass should be wrapping up their spawn soon and the walleye program will be better dialed.  We’re looking forward to seeing you out there!

Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,
