Observations from the Water – 09/19/2021

by | Sep 19, 2021

Days on the Water: 5
Who we fished with: friends/clients
Where we fished: Lake Erie
What we caught: smallmouth bass, freshwater drum
Tactics: live crawfish


Observations from the Water – this Past Week (13-19 Sep)

It was another excellent week targeting biggie smalls with some old friends and new ones. Action hasn’t been “light’s out,” but it’s been consistent enough to keep anticipation levels high. Every day, we’ve boated at least one 5lber with numerous 4+lb fish to boot. It’s been a blast!

When the wind kicks up a little chop, I’ve been going deep, working rock piles and surrounding gravel flats in 30-45′ of water.  Even on calm days, a breeze usually kicks in around mid morning so it’s almost always an option.  Since things were calm all of this past week, I found myself anxiously anticipating the arrival of wind…it showed up every day.  When it did – catch rates and size of fish increased.

I don’t have the patience to fish on the lake when it’s deal calm.  Without a breeze, you’re floating in a bathtub looking at your screen – no thank you.  When there’s no wind, I’ve been getting into current and covering water.  Although the bite in the moving water this time of year produces great numbers of fish, size seems to be a little smaller than what shows up on the lake.  Still, it’s a great time with consistent action.

As I’ve mentioned in previous reports, I go strictly live bait this time of year because it results in bigger fish and bigger numbers…especially when there’s little to no breeze.  Plus, nights are a little cooler this time of year so bait doesn’t fry in the livewell like it does in the summer, which ensures a solid ROI on thepurchase.  Sure, artificials are great – dare I say as good as bait – when there’s a good push of current.  However, on those days when there’s little to no wind and it’s tough to cover water, live bait is essential for a strong outing.

Looking Forward (21-27 Sep)

The forecast looks a little dicey – definitely more like fall than summer. Precipitation, some big wind, and chilly mornings will be on the docket – excellent weather for the Warrior. I’ll likely stick to big bass fishing on Lake Erie but the desire to poke around the lower Niagara is creeping up so I’ll make a point to see what’s going on there too.

Our fall calendar is filling up quickly. Here are a few pics from the end of September/early October 2020. If you’re considering booking a trip this fall – contact us soon. Demand is VERY high but I’m sure we can find a date that’ll work for you.

Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,
