Days on the Water: 4
Who we fished with: friends/clients
Where we fished: Lower Niagara
What we caught: lake trout, steelhead, browntrout
Tactics: beads, Mr. Twisters
Observations from the Water – this Past Week (22-28 Nov)
Weird week – good times with clients/friends who have been fishing with me for a few years now. All had some experience fishing the Lower Niagara. All performed well but the numbers were a little lower than I like to see.
I used the adjective “weird” above to describe this past week because the trout bite is still slow”ish.” Sure, we’ve been getting steelhead every outing lately, but I have yet to boat them consistently. Same goes for the lake run browns. Lake trout are still thick this late in November. I’m not sure what’s going on but we’re “usually” getting into all 3 species at this point of the year – with far less lakers in the mix.
Whatever – action has been great on most days so it’s tough to complain. Besides, I’m not sure what the word “normal” means anymore – and I’m also wondering if knowing what that word means is important. I guess it is if I’m trying to advise someone on the best time to visit the region if they want to catch a specific species. However, no matter what time of year, especially during the fall, Mother Nature almost always rewards you for making an effort to be in your natural environment.

Looking Forward (29-Nov – 5-Dec)
The forecast for this upcoming week looks excellent. Minimal winds (with a couple exceptions) and minor amounts of precipitation should keep the water at a fishable color all week. Sure, it’ll be cold – but not harsh by any stretch. There’s a strong possibility we’ll be able to fish all 7 days.
I said this last week and I’ll keep saying it until it’s upon us – the best is yet to come. Water temperatures (correlated to time of year/amount of sunlight) are one of the best measurements we have for trying to predict how fish will behave. The dips into the low 30s we’ve had lately caused the river temperature to fall in line with historical “norms” for this time of year. Chaos is coming…or maybe it’ll be more of a slow crescendo…all I know is the only way to find out is to fish as often as possible.
Quick note – if you live around here, you likely saw your first significant snowfall this past week and said to yourself or someone close to you, “I’m not ready for this!” Well folks, it happens every year so now that the shock is over, start considering plans to mitigate the shack nasties. Acclimation/exposing yourself to the cold is the best way to welcome this annual trend into your life. I have one activity in mind that’ll provide much more than mere exposure to the elements. Give us a call to discuss.
Stay healthy my friends – mentally and physically,