We’ll Order the T-Shirts this Week
You voted and the results are in. There was an interesting trend in the voting. Women preferred blue, white, and gray on a black background. Men preferred the yellow, tan, and black on a green background. So, we’ve decided to take care of both genders by offering both t-shirts.
We’ll state this up front – we are not going to get into the t-shirt business. That will be obvious to you when you see our order instructions below. Besides, our brother’s at Lakes Rivers and Streams do all our production and design so why would we want to compete with that? However, many people ask us where they can purchase one of our t-shirts so we figured we would run a short sales trial to see how it goes.
Here’s how to order.
1. Click on this link: https://brookdogfishing.com/book-fishing-trip/ . You’ll notice it’s for our book a trip page. If you want to book one, go ahead! But if you’re interested in a t-shirt, fill out the name, email address, and phone number section.
2. In the comments box at the bottom, indicate the size, color, and quantity you want.
3. Include your mailing address in the comment’s box as well.
4. We’ll collect orders up to this Friday morning. When you place an order, you’ll receive an invoice from Square. Pay that invoice and you’ll receive your shirt within 2 weeks.
T-shirts will sell for $28 – that includes shipping.
Thanks again for helping us promote our brand and weighing in on our brand image. There will be more designs added to the mix as we continue to collaborate with our brothers over at Lakes, Rivers, and Streams in the upcoming months.

Women’s t-shirt

Men’s T-Shirt