Re-Discover Your Region 2017 Recap
Filming the Re-Discover Your Region videos has been a blast. It was a lot of fun visiting old friends, making new ones, and exploring new water throughout 2017. In order to make 2018 a bigger year – we need your support. Please subscribe to our channel to receive notifications about our upcoming episodes. We would also greatly appreciate it if you could share our work with your friends. With your support, we will continue to feature fellow anglers, guides, and outfitters who can provide valuable insight into their region.
What’s Next for 2018
Our 2018 schedule will feature women anglers and guides. It will feature U.S. based bucket list locations we’ve never fished before. It will also feature exotic species and fisheries that are unique to a specific area. Most importantly, 2018 will focus on the healing properties of fly fishing. As a benefactor of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing – this will certainly be a labor of love.
Here is the 2018 Schedule
Re-discover your Region #12: South Florida – Fly Fishing for Peacock Bass and Largemouth Bass
a. Who: Featured Guide/Outfitter: Scott Rose (
b. What: Peacock bass on SFL canals. Largemouth Bass on Frogs in the Everglades
c. Where: Miami, FL
d. When: 31-Mar – 1-Apr
e. Why: Showcase the local fishery, Scott’s program, and the cultural scene in downtown Miami
Re-discover Your Region #13: Washington State – Women’s Advocacy and the Healing Properties of Fly Fishing
a. Who: Featured Guide/Outfitter: Heather Hodson (
b. What: Trout on the fly
c. Where: Spokane, WA
d. When: 19-23 April
e. Why: Showcase the local fishery, provide Heather a platform to discuss women in fly fishing as well as all her advocacy efforts, and showcase a local brewery and fly tying event.
Re-discover Your Region #14: Prehistoric Beasts on the Fly – Pre-Spawn Bowfin
a. Who: Brookdog Fishing Company
b. What: Bowfin in spawning colors on the fly
c. Where: Marsh areas in PA
d. When: 26–May
e. Why: Showcase the local fishery and chalk up this bucket list species.
Re-discover Your Region #15: Martha’s Vinyard – Women’s Advocacy and the Healing Properties of Fly Fishing
a. Who: Featured Guide/Outfitter: Abbie Schuster, Kismet Outfitters (
b. What: Stripped bass
c. Where: Martha’s Vinyard, MA
d. When: TBD – Mid July
e. Why: Showcase the local fishery, Kismet Outfitter’s Program, and gain a women’s perspective of the sport
Re-discover Your Region #16: Oregon/Idaho – Women’s Advocacy and the Healing Properties of Fly Fishing
a. Who: Aileen Lane (,,
b. What: Trout
c. Where: Northeast OR, Southwest ID
d. When: 26-29 Aug
e. Why: Showcase the local fishery, Aileen Cane’s story, and gain a women’s perspective of the sport
Rediscover Your Region #17: The Healing Properties of Fly Fishing on a Massive Scale – Project Healing Waters Feature
a. Who: PHWFF Crystal Coast Program and the Cape Lookout Albacore Festival
b. What: False Albacore
c. Where: Coastal NC
d. When: TBD – Mid October
e. Why: Advocate for the benefits of the program (I’m a disabled veteran and PHWFF participant)
If you want to Re-Discover the Buffalo Niagara region or would like us to feature your slice of angling heaven, click here!

Re-Discover Your Region

Re-Discover Your Region