A Year of Fishing in Buffalo Niagara
Capturing a year of fishing in Buffalo Niagara is definitely a journey. This capstone project wraps up an awesome year of filming. We are very proud of this short video in that it represents an ode to our region, our home waters. Nate has been telling me about that feeling for years now and I’m just beginning to understand what it’s all about. This year of fishing in Buffalo Niagara is our best effort to show as many people as possible the bounty of our home waters.
Fishing in Buffalo Niagara is never dull. Every day presents its challenges, opportunities to learn, and chances at the fish of a lifetime. Just when you start getting confident, just when you think you have it all figured out, the seasons change. Fish begin behaving differently. New species become accessible. The learning process starts all over again. The most avid anglers make every effort to learn quickly. They know that even though our waters are sometimes fickle, and change with the seasons, they rarely disappoint with a little effort on our behalf.

Spring Smalljaws on the Fly – Nothing Better For This Guy

Winter Fishing on the Niagara River, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario
Thank You
We would like to take this time to thank all the people that made this possible. This includes the following:
– Our Families – they supported us (and made cameos) the entire time. We couldn’t have done this without them.
– Colton Wright – for producing this work of art and dealing with our sh$%!
– All of the companies who were generous enough to grant us pro-deals. You enabled us to purchase your equipment at amazing prices, saving us money that we re-invested into video production.
– Our local friends/Buffalo Niagara advocates. There is a huge amount of passion about our region…right now. With many of our friends in the region, we have to ensure we cast this area in an awesome light for years to come. A resurgence can’t be a fad or something cool to claim – it has to be a mindset.
Our Hopes for this Video
We hope this video enlightens people from our region. Many of our clients and other people with whom end up chatting are rarely aware of what this region has to offer. If you walk away having seen something for the first time – perfect!
We also hope this enlightens venturing anglers from around the world. Look at a globe. Do you see those 5, big, blue, blotches in the middle of North America? That’s all freshwater and huge fish live in that stuff. We live between the eastern most 2 lakes. The point being that there is an amazing amount of fishing to be had around here. We’ve caught fish in well over half the states in this country and more than half of the Canadian provinces. Yet, we live here. We hope that means something to you and we hope this video helps you understand. Hopefully, we’ll be able to host you someday.
Finally, if you’re from here, fish often, and most if not all of these places look familiar to you…that’s cool. We hope you thought did a good job representing the place we all love. Don’t hesitate to tell us where you think we missed the mark. Better yet, let us know what we should feature in 2018!
If you want to experience this first hand instead of watching it on a tiny screen – click here