Days on the Water: 0 Who we fished with: n/a Where we fished: n/a What we caught: n/a Tactics: n/a Commentary for the Week of 02/13 – 02/20/2022 It’s good to be back home! I’ve been in Guyana, South America for the past couple of weeks. As per...
Days on the Water: 2 Who we fished with: friends Where we fished: Lower Niagara, Lake Ontario What we caught: steelhead Tactics: beads (10mm in pink, orange, and charteuse), white Mr. Twisters Commentary Observations from the Water – this Past Week (10-16-Jan)...
The People – Why we Keep Doing what We do It’s winter and the conditions have been crappy lately. I don’t know, maybe my memory is flawed, but this winter seems particularly crappy thus far – as measured by fishable days that is. All this time off the water...
Days on the Water: 3 Who we fished with: friends Where we fished: Lake Erie, Lower Niagara, Lake Ontario What we caught: Smallmouth bass Tactics: blade baits, swim baits Commentary Observations from the Water – this Past Week (3-9-Jan) Another tough week....
Days on the Water: 5Who we fished with: friends/clientsWhere we fished: Lake Erie, Lower Niagara, Lake OntarioWhat we caught: Smallmouth bass, walleyeTactics: live bait, beads, twisters, blade baits, swim baits Observations from the Water – this Past Week...