First Iteration – Kids Fishing Camp Background A few months back, the mother of one of my young clients contacted me with a request. She explained that her son had been attending some sort of summer camp for the past few years, but he always came home bored and...
Days on the Water: 5Who we fished with: friends, clientsWhere we fished: Lake Erie, Upper NiagaraWhat we caught: smallmouth bass, freshwater drum, walleyesTactics: ned rigs, live crawfish, swum baits, worm harnesses Commentary Observations from the Water – this...
Days on the Water: 5Who we fished with: friends, clientsWhere we fished: Lake Erie, UPper Niagara, Lower NiagaraWhat we caught: smallmouth bass, freshwater drum, walleyesTactics: ned rigs, worm harnesses Commentary Observations from the Water – this Past Week...
Days on the Water: 5Who we fished with: friends, clientsWhere we fished: Lake ErieWhat we caught: smallmouth bass, freshwater drum, walleyesTactics: ned rigs, worm harnesses Commentary Observations from the Water – this Past Week (26-Jul – 1-Aug) It was a...
Days on the Water: 5 Who we fished with: friends, clients Where we fished: Upper Niagara, Lower Niagara, Lake Erie What we caught: smallmouth bass, freshwater drum, walleyes Tactics: ned rigs, harnesses Commentary Observations from the Water – this Past Week...