Kids Fishing Camp – 2021

Kids Fishing Camp – 2021

First Iteration – Kids Fishing Camp Background A few months back, the mother of one of my young clients contacted me with a request. She explained that her son had been attending some sort of summer camp for the past few years, but he always came home bored and...
The “Unavoidable” Great Humbling

The “Unavoidable” Great Humbling

The “Unavoidable” Great Humbling There’ve been a lot of strands running around the old duder’s head lately. It’s challenging to turn them into something coherent but there are a couple lines of thought I believe come together nicely and are worth exploring. One strand...
Trying to Stay Sane During Covid-19

Trying to Stay Sane During Covid-19

Catching Up It’s a Tough Time to Be a Pathological Thinker It’s been awhile since I’ve jotted down some words beyond weekly observations. I’m not sure why…but I think it’s because it’s been difficult to think deeply without becoming morose. Or maybe it’s because I...