First Iteration – Kids Fishing Camp Background A few months back, the mother of one of my young clients contacted me with a request. She explained that her son had been attending some sort of summer camp for the past few years, but he always came home bored and...
Midwest Road Trip 2021 Report Before I get into the details of our trip, I want to provide a little background. In early June 2020, the first summer of Covid, our daughter had just finished up 3rd Grade. It was an unceremonious affair following 4 months of virtual...
The Quest Continues It’s time for another travel blog. I’m not going to explain my position about travel during the pandemic in this piece. My opinion hasn’t changed since my last travel blog (see this link). However, a new observation I’ll add is that aside from the...
The “Unavoidable” Great Humbling There’ve been a lot of strands running around the old duder’s head lately. It’s challenging to turn them into something coherent but there are a couple lines of thought I believe come together nicely and are worth exploring. One strand...
Catching Up It’s a Tough Time to Be a Pathological Thinker It’s been awhile since I’ve jotted down some words beyond weekly observations. I’m not sure why…but I think it’s because it’s been difficult to think deeply without becoming morose. Or maybe it’s because I...
Midwest Road Trip Report If you have a school aged child like my wife and I do, our country’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic has been problematic for many reasons. Putting aside the logistical issues with home schooling our daughter, the biggest issue has been the...